So just for the hell of it, in order,

· Cane, Dog, None, or Other?

· Preferred Mobile and Computer OS and Screen Readers?

· Braille or Not and for what if yes?

I’ll start, cane, android and windows, talkback and NVDA, yes I use braille screen input, or a braille display for almost everything text entry wise and for checking spelling, along with some reading though not as much as I could.

  • Miah
    2 years ago

    Cane for me. Would like a dog but it’s just not practical.

    I’m at a crossroads with mobile right now, have always been Team Android but got an iPad Air after I went blind and am considering switching to iPhone for my next new phone, just for the convenience of being in one ecosystem and not having to remember three whole sets of gestures and commands.

    Current PC is Windows only, but traditionally I like a dual-boot Windows/Linux system. I have yet to try Linux as a blind person and only just got the PC working again, am in the process of learning NVDA’s quirks and making my stuff accessible again.

    Haven’t learned Braille yet. It’s on my to-do list, but that list is like seven leagues long.