After all the BS from /u/spez?

    1 year ago

    I watched his recent interview (only for 10mins) but he described Reddit quite accurately. Namely, reddit(or platforms like ours) is a city, a city is living only if people are living. Also, he knew that very minimal and subtle moderation is the right way.

    It sounds like a CEO who knows its stuff, but facts have been shown his actions and attitudes are outrageous. The moderation was good enough to reach success for 18 years, only bc people do it for Reddit for free. He only took the free ride on it.

    The biggest problem I have with this guy is that the API charges is really selling people knowledges and memories as a product. It is supposed to be free and open. He is taking all the profits as business with no promises or giving back to the community. This model simply doesn’t work well with us, I would rather stick to decentralised model as long as it is reasonably efficient.

      1 year ago

      There is nothing inherently problematic about charging for API access, it’s the fact that the price they’ve set is ludicrous, something like 25 cents per thousand calls when you’d expect it to be more along the lines of 4-5 dollars per million calls.

      It’s like someone buying a free parking garage, letting mopeds park for free, and charging cars five hundred dollars a day for parking, and then, instead of just being honest and saying “Fuck people with cars no cars allowed,” saying that the car drivers are at fault for wanting to use a more full-featured vehicle that takes more space

        1 year ago

        That’s my opinion. I know my use of reddit costs them money, and would happily paid a (sane) user fee to recoup this.

        But their treatment of beloved apps is… Insulting. And their treatment of mods is even worse