So just for the hell of it, in order,

· Cane, Dog, None, or Other?

· Preferred Mobile and Computer OS and Screen Readers?

· Braille or Not and for what if yes?

I’ll start, cane, android and windows, talkback and NVDA, yes I use braille screen input, or a braille display for almost everything text entry wise and for checking spelling, along with some reading though not as much as I could.

    2 years ago

    I haven’t used Linux in a long time, but in general if you’re using the mate desktop, it works reasonably well provided you’re comfortable doing a lot of things via the command line.

    Setting up a VM or loading an ISO of your preferred distribution onto a USB stick is fairly straight forward, and I’d definitely recommend giving it a go if you have the time. Hint: If booting from USB, run CMD as admin, type reagentc.exe /boottore, restart, enable narrator, select your USB stick or whatever storage device you’re using, and enjoy. This came in very handy when my sighted friend couldn’t figure out my computer’s BIOS and I didn’t want to have to deal with VMware Player.