*The other 9/11

By Dan Hayes

Isilda Lang was just 23 when she came to Sheffield as a refugee from Chile in 1977. After travelling 12,000 miles from South America to the UK, arriving here must have been a big culture shock. But she came to love her adopted city, and it loved her back.

This isn’t an exaggeration for the sake of a neat start to this story: When Isilda passed away last year aged 68, after a long battle with cancer, 200 residents of Scott Road in the Burngreave neighbourhood where she made her home lined the street carrying daffodils.

In Chileans of the North, a documentary which tells the story of the hundreds of refugees who escaped General Augusto Pinochet’s military dictatorship and came to Sheffield in the 1970s, Isilda recalls her first impressions of the city.

  • Haily
    2 years ago

    Corbyn did a documentary about this on DDN about a year ago. It’s well worth a watch.