• Colonel Sanders@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I’ll give them the benefit of a doubt and say they still aren’t used to how magazines/communities work here and didn’t notice they were commenting within a community dedicated to the very thing they don’t wish to see.

      It’s a very big benefit I’ll grant you, but I’ll give it to them all the same.

      • Rannoch@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        No, I agree with you on this also. I am not the original commenter here, but I was just scrolling through “all” and I do agree that it’s a little annoying to see ~90% of the page filled with posts about reddit. But I’m also someone willing to participate in discussions about reddit still, at least a little, so I imagine it’s way more annoying to those who just want to forget about it.

        I didn’t even notice what community or instance this post was in when I opened it to participate in lol

        Not sure there’s really a good solution though, and comments/posts from people complaining about everything being about reddit is also adding to the total number of things about reddit. I assume the constant reddit focus will fade out over time as other communities slowly build up more activity.

        • Colonel Sanders@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I believe everything to be temporary. Both the constant discussion about Reddit and the somewhat confusing layout that sometimes makes it difficult to know where you are until you’re in there ready to comment lol.

          Lemmy is still new(ish) so it’s going to have some growing pains in the UI to get used to and will evolve over time. And the whole debacle with Reddit is still fresh on everyone’s minds and people are looking for some kind of justice/schadenfreude for having to basically abandon something they got used to (I’m including myself in this) for a long time.

          All in all, I don’t mind for the time being because I know it’s only temporary, but if, in a couple of weeks, it’s still over-saturated with Reddit posts (outside of the communities that are dedicated to discussing it) then I’ll probably get annoyed lol.

          On a side note/unrelated: I was actually against Lemmy at the beginning of June when everything started hitting the fan. Nothing personally, just that I was against moving to it because it was confusing. I’m glad that Reddit fucked up so royally that it basically forced me to try and learn the ins and outs of it so I could quit that toxic platform. Not only has this place been a great fill-in, but it has that certain “wild west” feeling (I know others have mentioned this as well) that I haven’t felt since the late 90s/early 2000s.