You’re not wrong. It’s what started me on the mech kb journey so long ago. I wish I remembered what pen it was, but it was my teacher’s and had a very satisfying click to it. He said that it was the same click as the old mainframe keebs that he used to work on. I was young, and had no idea what he was talking about, but a keyboard can sound and feel that good? I had to know! Fast forward to today, that dragon has not yet been reached, but the chase continues on both fronts (pen and kb).
Unrelated, but what are those pens?
I almost got the moonlander, but decided on the glove80. Still getting used to it. I need to just bite the bullet and force it as my daily.
Nothing exciting, I’m afraid! The orange pen is a Pilot from the Retro Pop collection, and the silver pencil is a Pentel Graph Gear 1000.
I like them quite a bit. I don’t know what it is about pens and notebooks…
E: and keyboards, obviously. I’m here, aren’t I? Haha
Pretty sure Extremely Special Office Supplies are a gateway drug, and one of the places that can lead you to is… here. 😁
You’re not wrong. It’s what started me on the mech kb journey so long ago. I wish I remembered what pen it was, but it was my teacher’s and had a very satisfying click to it. He said that it was the same click as the old mainframe keebs that he used to work on. I was young, and had no idea what he was talking about, but a keyboard can sound and feel that good? I had to know! Fast forward to today, that dragon has not yet been reached, but the chase continues on both fronts (pen and kb).