I’ve been living with Stargardt’s disease since I was 9, and it’s deteriorated to the point that I can’t read physical books or papers, and I pretty much have to use my computer for everything with magnification and screen reader software.

However, I recently found out that I have hyperopia, or longsightedness. As I have to have everything very close to my face, this adds additional strain to my eyes as they struggle to have everything so close. So, I got glasses from my optometrist to help correct my longsightedness. but it seems that the glasses are focused on people looking at objects and text at a normal distance, not the closer range I have to use. As such, my glasses help me see my surroundings better, but they make working close much harder, which is pretty much the opposite outcome I expected.

I was wondering if anyone else has tried this and what your success was.

  • MostlyBlindGamerMA
    1 year ago

    It sound like you may need reading glasses, right? It’s not unusual for sighted people to use them while working on a computer. Regardless, it’s probably a good idea to discuss this with your optometrist: mention specific examples so they can better understand your needs.