• Usernamealreadyinuse@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I asked chatgpt to eli5 this (max 150 words)

      ELI5 means “explain like I’m five”, a way of asking for a simple and clear explanation of a complex topic. Here is my attempt to eli5 the site you sent me:

      The site is about a new experiment that shows how light can behave in a weird way. Light is made of tiny particles called photons. Sometimes, photons can split into two smaller particles, and then join back together. When they do this, they can act as if they went back in time for a moment. This is very strange, because nothing else can go back in time. The scientists used a special device to make the photons split and join, and they measured how they changed. They found out that the photons could have different properties before and after they split and join, as if they changed their past. This does not mean that we can use light to travel back in time, but it shows that time is not as simple as we think. It also helps us understand more about quantum physics, the science of very small things