There doesn’t seem to be much going on in this forum. I wonder if one reason is that the UI UX is a bit clunky. At least I’m finding it challenging to use NVDA with it. I’m used to having a learning curve for NVDA use on practrically all new websites I visit. But this forum seems more challenging than even Reddit (and that’s saysing a lot) and The main screen is easy enough. H gets me going through the thread titles just fine. But when I open a thread I H to get to the top of the thread content, but then I have to do about 9 downarrows to get to the the content. Then getting to the next post is okay, but once again tetting to the content of the post requires lots of k and downarrowss in just the right sequence. Seems like a real pain. And then there is the fact that credentials go stale immediately upon leaving. I always have to log back in. Again, more priction. Am I just missing something here?

  • 🇨🇦Samuel Proulx🇨🇦MA
    8 months ago

    the fact that credentials go stale immediately upon leaving.

    One of our moderators is also having this problem. Unfortunately, I’m not, and no matter what I do, I can’t replicate it. Once I log in, I stay logged in. So as the admin of the server, it’s quite difficult for me to fix. Could you let me know what browser and version of Windows you’re using? I’m not sure that will help, as I’ve tested on both Firefox and Edge on Windows 11, and stayed logged in for days at a time. But the more data the better!

    about 9 downarrows to get to the the content.

    So once you get to the h1, almost everything up until the content is a link or button. So in NVDA, you can just press n (skip to next block of text) once or twice, and you’ll be there.

    The reason we’re still listed as Alpha is because we need someone to retheme Lemmy, and nobody has had the time or money to find and pay someone to do it. If you think screen readers are hard, try using Lemmy with screen magnification. It’s not ideal. We’ll be remaining in alpha until we can find a designer to work on these issues.

    However, in the meantime, Thunder on IOS and android is an excellent mobile app for Lemmy. There are also a few desktop apps, but none of them are more accessible than the web interface yet.

    • motobojoOP
      8 months ago

      re: credentials rapidly stale I’m using Edge browser on Win 10

      re: NVDA nav tips for forum Thanks for the tips. I haven’t been using n much. I’ll give that a try. Learn something new every day.