The Geneva convention was established to minimise atrocities in conflicts. Israeli settlements in Gaza are illegal and violate the Geneva convention. Legality of Israeli settlements Article 51 of the Geneva convention prohibits indiscriminate attacks on civilian population yet Israel attacked hospitals with children inside. Whether you agree or not that Hamas were present, children cannot be viewed as when no care was taken to protect them, does this not constitute a violation? According to save the children, 1 in 50 children in Gaza had been killed or injured. This is a very high proportion and does not show care being taken to prevent such casualties and therefore constitutes a violation.

So my question is simply, do supporters of Israel no longer support our believe in the Geneva convention, did you never, or how do you reconcile Israeli breaches of the Geneva convention? For balance I should add “do you not believe such violations are occurring and if so how did you come to this position?”

Answers other than only "they have the right to go after Hamas " please. The issue is how they are going after Hamas, not whether they should or not.

EDIT: Title changed to remove ambiguity about supporting Israel vs supporting their actions

    2 months ago

    If I may add to this, while the Geneva Convention prohibits attacking hospitals, the International Committee of the Red Cross states that hospitals and similar buildings may become legitimate targets “for example if a hospital is being used as a base from which to launch an attack, as a weapons depot, or to hide healthy soldiers/fighters.” NATO intelligence (PDF warning) states that Hamas is well known to launch attacks from civilian locations ordinarily protected by the Geneva Convention. In other words, they’re using their own population as human shields. It is extremely difficult to completely prevent civilian casualties in these cases, especially when Hamas discourages people from leaving areas that Israel warns will be attacked (see the NATO document above).

    To put it simply, if Israel decides that they are no longer willing to risk the safety of civilians, then Hamas will continue attacking with impunity from civilian areas. Israel absolutely should minimize civilian causalities, but when Hamas hides their fighters and weapons within their civilian population, some of them will unfortunately die. Blame Hamas for putting them in that position against their will.

      2 months ago

      If I may add, what you present here is a false choice, and understanding why it is gets to the heart of answering the question: “Why do people radicalize in the first place?”

      Believe it or not, there are other methods of approaching this; methods the previous Prime Minister in the '90s was addressing before one of Bibi’s (in stochastic language) followers assassinated him.

      If you get caught in this game of Whack-A-Mole with terrorists, you’re going to have about as much luck in dealing with Hamas as The United States did with addressing the Taliban in Afghanistan; for each one you kill considering the collateral damage as occupier, you will create 5 more down the road.

      Lebanon and Iran are key source of the problem; that Israel is unwilling to actually confront the source of the problem — creeping annexation, blockades and general enforcement of ghettos along the strips — speaks to their disinterest in actually resolving those stoking the fire and providing the aid. Let’s not forget that it was Israel who undermined the Palestinian Authority and Fatah and actually promoted Hamas.

      And look, we already know Israel’s Iron Dome is effective and improving by the year. Literally all they had to do to prevent October 7th was listen to their own intelligence reports and commit even a fraction of the troops they’ve already offensively committed to Gaza to actually defend their border so that (checks notes) Paragliders and dirt bikes couldn’t just meander in. Reminder that this isn’t the Great Wall of China… It’s like a 25 mile border. That’s nothing. So win-win: Israelis remain safe while Gazan civilian hostages aren’t murdered by 1,000lb bombs in densely-populated areas. Reminder that Israel has now committed somewhere around 25 x October 7ths upon the innocent civilians of Gaza.

      Blame Hamas for putting them in that position against their will.

      Should it be protocol for police to demolish schools with everyone in it to eliminate a school shooter?

        2 months ago

        The problem with your point is that Hamas is actively attacking Israel. They can’t just drop what they’re doing to wage a different war against other nations that aren’t directly involved. If they did that, we would have an October 7th whenever Hamas felt like it. A Hamas official has stated that they will continue to attack Israel in this manner.

        Yes, Israel should have acted on the intelligence they had ahead of October 7, but that doesn’t mean they are directly to blame. The direct responsibility for raping and killing 1,000 civilians rests solely on Hamas. There was zero effort on their part to limit or prevent civilian casualties. Are you going to tell the rape victims and the families of those who died that day that actually, they should accept the blame for their own tragedy?

        And in your school shooter example, no, that would not be justified. But if there were dozens of school shooters in there who were gunning down any authorities who approached and shooting off missiles that were killing innocent people miles away, with the support of paramilitaries that also kept the authorities from getting within fighting distance of the school, then what would you propose be done about them?

          2 months ago

          No I’m not victim-blaming, which implies they deserved it. What I’m saying is that the solution to the problem of protecting Israeli citizens isn’t the rape and murder of their civilians at a scale greater by many factors. The solution is to double-down on defense, because Israel could EASILY prevent future October 7ths simply by properly manning their border. This way, no more civilians have to die on either side.

          For you realize that by the rate of Hamas casualties inflicted upon Israel, it would probably take well over 100 years to commit the amount of murder against innocent civilians that Israel has done in less than a year, right? Of course leaving aside the fact that killing that many civilians has only ever increased radicalization as opposed to reducing it. In fact if I was asked, “how do you maximize an environment ripe for radicalization?” It wouldn’t be that far off from what Israel is doing.

          So let’s further ask the question of why there is so much trust in Bibi to solve this problem when he has clearly demonstrated blatant incompetence in the past?

          And in your school shooter example, no, that would not be justified. But if there were dozens of school shooters in there who were gunning down any authorities who approached and shooting off missiles that were killing innocent people miles away, with the support of paramilitaries that also kept the authorities from getting within fighting distance of the school, then what would you propose be done about them?

          And yet, if demolishing that building led to a number of children dying in far greater numbers than a hundred school shooting attacks and that the devastation would lead to broken families surrounding said school to commit more terrorist crimes because they’ve now harbored mass resentment against the “police” because their children, parents, spouses are dead… Well, then the police aren’t exactly improving the situation now, are they?

            2 months ago

            As long as Hamas is attacking Israel and using their people as human shields, Hamas will be responsible for their deaths. If I start shooting at you and then hold my wife in front of me when you shoot back, causing the bullet to hit my wife and kill her, that isn’t your fault. That’s mine.

            The blame for the civilians’ deaths lies with Hamas for starting this war and hiding behind them. I have no doubt that the population is radicalized, and Israel probably played a part in it, but so did many other Middle Eastern nations that desire nothing for Israel other than its complete destruction. Also, does the Gaza Health Authority take into consideration the deaths caused by Hamas refusing to evacuate civilians in targeted areas? Why have bordering countries refused Gazan refugees?

            You have failed to provide a better solution than allowing the school shooters to continue killing people indiscriminately. If you do nothing, chances are they’re going to set up more missile sites on other schools, recruit more students and staff to their genocidal cause (“almost all” Gazans believe that Hamas is not committing war crimes), and continue the cycle of violence. In fact, in this case, the destruction of Israel is Hamas’s explicit stated goal. What would you do to prevent this?

              2 months ago

              No matter how you slice it, you are justifying carte blanche for Israel to do exactly as they will with Gaza however they see fit.

              So tell me, how far does this logic extend?

              Currently the ratio is about 3-4 civilians — half of whom being women & children — for each Hamas killed. So right now, you’re saying Israel is completely justified and morally right to sit 4 of these civilians down and execute them so long as for every 4th or 5th or so lined up is a Hamas terrorist? After all, this is precisely what they’re doing; for if they know a high value Hamas target is there, then they’re certainly aware of the civilian presence when they drop their ordnance.

              And tell me further, would you also defend Israel if they were to drop a nuke on Gaza?

              Where, exactly, does the line finally begin to be blurred for you, I wonder…?

              When does the response become worse than the initial attack that prompted this? After all, it’s not the errant rockets that triggered this attack; it was October 7th and October 7th alone. So one cannot justify the rocket attacks for which were ostensibly par for the course and probably less of a threat than simply automotive car accidents.

              I don’t believe I have to provide a better solution — for my point to be made I only have to prove that the chosen response is orders of magnitude worse than letting Hamas remain as-is. Which is true. There is no way Hamas could incur that many civilian deaths in 50 or 100 years. If the response is more heinous than the initial attack, then that is a problem.

              Once again I reiterate the aforementioned point that was deflected, which is to say this methodology that Israel is utilizing historically only exacerbates radicalization for decades to come. So if that’s truly your concern, perhaps one should go back to the drawing board. Investing in border security and the Iron Dome seems a much more viable way at protecting your people.

              But here’s one for you: increasing regional stability instead of destroying it? How about better promoting Fatah or PA instead of undermining them? How about utilizing precision-targeted attacks to get leadership of Hamas, much how Obama used Seal Team 6 to deal with Bin Laden instead of the nation-invasion strategy of his predecessor? How about a change of leadership in Israel to something more competent to begin with…? There are many alternative options.

                2 months ago

                Israel is in no way justified in executing innocent civilians. What they are justified in is waging a war of self-defense against a country that wishes to completely destroy them and has used every dirty trick in the book to attempt just that before turning its populace into a meatshield and playing innocent little victim when Israel returns fire. This has been Hamas’s MO for years.

                Now you tell me: what should Israel do? Allow their neighbor to continue killing Jews in perpetuity? Evacuate the whole country so that Palestine can have its “from the river to the sea” goal? Lie down and accept the genocide that will come if they lay down their arms completely? This is by no means an easy war to judge or adjudicate on, and saying that Israel can’t fight back at all, like you seem to be saying, is tantamount to declaring that the Jews in that area have no right to live. If you believe that Israel has a right to fight back, then I ask you: how, exactly, do you fight an enemy that will eagerly throw its entire civilian population into a wood chipper if it means killing just one Jew? If you can’t think of a better solution to this problem, then you have no place criticizing them for their actions.

                It wasn’t just October 7th that triggered it. It’s Hamas’s long and storied history of breaking ceasefires and using humanitarian aid as weapons against Israel. The Hamas government is utterly insane. They need to be replaced with representatives who will not drag their people into wars that get them killed.

                I would argue that you do have to provide a better solution. If you do nothing about the people killing innocents indiscriminately, that will only embolden them and lead to even more deaths. When does it become unacceptable to continue allowing your citizens to be massacred by terrorists? Again, should Israel just let their people get killed forever?

                What other options does Israel have at this point? Again, you’re implying that if they just let themselves die then the problem will eventually disappear. I mean, it will, because the roads of Jerusalem will be painted with the blood of innocent Jews, but that’s beside the point. They can’t make peace with Hamas because Hamas is single-mindedly focused on destroying Israel. It’s going to take an international coalition to stop the war, of which I am in wholehearted support, by removing the genocidal freaks running Palestine. Border security and the Iron Dome are good, but they’ll only go so far when the entire purpose of the government across that border is to kill you. Left to their own devices, they’ll figure something out eventually.

                Israel is, in fact, running precision strikes against the leadership of Hamas. They are continually picking off the leaders of that faction, but it’s difficult to get at them because they often hide in other countries and issue suicidal orders from cozy apartments and hotel rooms. They sure could use better leadership - the intelligence failure with October 7th shows that much - and they certainly should be promoting peaceful political parties. I want this war to end peacefully as much as you do, and I don’t want any more Palestinian or Israeli civilians to die needlessly. But right now, Hamas is killing its population and Israel’s out of sheer, blind hatred. If there was certainty that Hamas wouldn’t start its nonsense again (as I’ve said before, they want to do October 7th over and over again), then maybe we’d have peace now.

                  2 months ago

                  How can one not see that the latter is merely a euphemism for the former? Let’s bear in mind that Gaza is not “a country” and is not even recognized as a state by Israel, themselves. What Hamas is is a terrorist organization who is holding a captive audience of innocent Palestinians no different than the terrorists in the film Die Hard – which would have quite a different outcome if the police just decided to demolish the entire building.

                  In other words, yes: If Israel knows that civilians will be killed when they attack a Hamas target, then they are indeed, executing those civilians in kind. There is zero difference been sitting the 5 of them down and shooting them in the back of the head, or dropping a 1,000lb JDAM on them with full knowledge of civilian presence — agreed?

                  I need to be very clear because I’m coming from the perspective of someone who is above all Pro-Civilian; So let me explain that when I assess this scenario, I look for who is actively harming the most civilians. Independent of who fired the first shot, if the the response becomes objectively worse for those innocent lives — all the while having no clear end-goal objective that doesn’t exacerbate the risk to rising radicalism — then that’s going to be the center of my concern.

                  We know how radicalism occurs. People don’t get radicalize out of thin air, after all. It takes decades of oppression, diminished opportunities, living in slums, low education, low socioeconomic opportunity, and so on. Therein lies solutions as to how you improve conditions to the point that people don’t feel so desperate and vengeful. The solution isn’t to make orphans and leave parents without their children by bombing one of the most densely populated regions on the planet.

                  Let me be very clear that I am (a) NOT saying Israel cannot DEFEND itself, (b) NOR am I saying that Israel does not have a right to exist. What I am saying is that there are better methods at protecting Israeli civilians (remember, it wasn’t just Jews who were targeted that day, but Palestinian Muslims died, too) AND reducing terrorism that does not necessitate committing the equivalent of DOZENS of October 7ths in kind.

                  It was October 7th that triggered it, bar-none. If October 7th didn’t happen, then Israel would not have leveled Gaza as they did. This really isn’t up for dispute; this is what Israeli leadership themselves have repeatedly said.

                  What frustrates me is you dodged so many of the questions I have. If I’m being honest, I suspect your incapacity to confront these questions head-on speaks to the discomfort as we approach the threshold of cognitive dissonance. So please permit me to reiterate the dodged questions:

                  • Where, exactly, does the line finally begin to be blurred for you, I wonder…?

                  • How many civilians are you willing to execute per alleged Hamas target?

                  • And tell me further, would you also defend Israel if they were to drop a nuke on Gaza?

                  • So tell me, how far does this logic extend?

                  • How does killing this many civilians and destabilizing the region by leveling all civilian infrastructure including undermining the capacity for hospitals to operate truly lead to less and not more radicalization in the years to come?

                  • What do you think is going to happen to all those orphans and parents of dead children in the decades to come? I can tell you exactly what I would do if I was in their shoes, after all…

                  • How many children is Israel morally permitted to kill in their end goal?

                  You ask me what they could do differently and I provided several that went entirely ignored, but I’ll reiterate a key one: Change of Leadership. Over 70% of Israel disapproves of Bibi. It’s not working. His actions have only exacerbated radicalization and will only continue to do so. He has botched several hostage rescue attempts, moved the goalpost on permanent ceasefire deals that could’ve seen these hostages freed, and failed to secure his borders and adhere to blatantly obvious intelligence. But it’s not going not happen because Netanyahu would be in prison if not for the immunity of being in office. Please, stop trying to justify the actions of this war criminal.

                  And no, border security and the iron dome really is it. It really is the most effective way. It’s not difficult to stop motorcycles and para-gliders. The planning of this simplistic attack took countless resources and months if not longer of planning and could’ve easily been stopped by a competent leadership and military. Right here I have both protected Israelis, and prevented the mass slaughter of innocent Gaza civilians. I once again reiterate that Israel has committed a scale of destruction against innocent civilians that Hamas could not possibly have achieved in 50 or 100 years with the resources they had. So in that respect, and in regards to thinking about the innocent civilians, it’s no wonder why I believe it is in fact Israel who is the larger terrorist threat.

                  Remember: Under bibi they’ve ignored intelligence, killed their own hostages who were unarmed and had a white flag, botched a rescue when they could’ve been saved by a permanent ceasefire, and bombed humanitarian aid convoys despite coordination with IDF command as instructed. This demonstrates profound incompetence that also explains the gross civilian casualty count.

                  Ultimately here are the conditions for you to convince me that what Israel is doing is morally justified:

                    1. You have to provide good reason on how Israel is REDUCING radicalization and therefore will REDUCE terrorism by killing so many civilians, and not in fact increase the rate of radicalization
                    1. You have to give a reasonable explanation as to how, by Israel doubling down on defense, Hamas could ever be able to commit the equivalent ~25 x October 7ths — equivalent to the civilian death toll Israel has incurred in Gaza in less than a year upon Israel.
                    1. You have to explain to me why it even makes sense for Israel to attack the pawns in Gaza as opposed to the puppeteers in Iran or Lebanon.
                    1. You have to explain to me what the red line is for you where the response becomes more heinous and inhumane than the original attack that prompted said response.
                    2 months ago

                    You don’t seem to understand what “execution” means. Let me put it to you this way: an execution is when you intend to kill someone specific. When the government sentences someone to death and shoots them in the head behind the prison, that is an execution. When the Israeli government is trying to warn people that they’re going to attack a place, Hamas refuses to evacuate them, and they die as a result, that is not an execution.

                    If Israel is going around, finding civilians, putting them against the wall, and shooting them in the head, that is wrong. But the Geneva Conventions are clear that simply because a military installation has civilians in it does not mean the installation is no longer a legitimate target. That’s the question at hand here. Hamas has been using civilian buildings as military installations for the entire war. Therefore, Israel is justified in bringing those buildings down. One point you are constantly missing is that not only are the combatants in the building holding the civilians hostage, they are an active threat to people miles away. The longer they aren’t dealt with, the worse the situation will become. If they can’t go in there and clear the building floor by floor to specifically only kill the combatants - which is precisely the situation Israel is in - then they have no choices other than to bomb the place or to allow the assaults to continue. It’s a lose-lose situation, but they have an obligation to their own people first and foremost. Why should Israel take the blame when Hamas is the organization that is putting weapons and personnel into a civilian building, launching assaults at them, and refusing to allow the civilians to leave?

                    October 7th has had a long, long history leading up to it, on both sides. This just happens to be the worst incident in a long time. It likely wouldn’t be as bad as it is today if none of that had happened, or if Israel had listened to their intelligence.

                    Alright, I will directly answer your questions.

                    Where, exactly, does the line finally begin to be blurred for you, I wonder…? When Israel begins targeting civilians simply for the sake of killing civilians. Like Hamas does. How many civilians are you willing to execute per alleged Hamas target? This is a false dilemma. You can’t put a precise number on how many civilians should be allowed to die vs. how many Hamas fighters need to die, when it isn’t even clear how many of them are civilians and how many are Hamas fighters. Another confounding factor is the fact that Hamas is actively using its civilian population as a human shield. If they’re allowed to continue doing this, then they’ll just be able to kill every Jew with impunity by strapping babies to themselves, walking through Jerusalem, and shooting anyone they see. Quite simply, I’m not going to put a number on it. Obviously Every measure should be taken to minimize civilian casualties, which Israel has been doing by warning people before the bombs fall and giving them a chance to evacuate. And tell me further, would you also defend Israel if they were to drop a nuke on Gaza? At this point, a nuke is uncalled for. If Gaza had a nuke of their own with the capability to destroy Israel with it, then I would put a stop to that by any means necessary, including a nuke. So tell me, how far does this logic extend? If you’re talking about the logic of accepting civilian casualties in war, then the simple answer is that the military shouldn’t be killing civilians for the sake of killing civilians. They should be as precise as possible with their strikes and avoid killing anyone beyond what is absolutely necessary. As far as I know, the Israeli military is not just going “Hey, let’s kill a bunch of civilians today, it’ll be great.” That’s Hamas’s MO, though. How does killing this many civilians and destabilizing the region by leveling all civilian infrastructure including undermining the capacity for hospitals to operate truly lead to less and not more radicalization in the years to come? It doesn’t. What it does is destroy the enemy’s capability to fight, and when the majority of their country wants your people dead, then that makes sense. Hamas could have prevented every single civilian death over the past year by simply not teaching their people that the Jews must be destroyed, and then acting on that belief by raping and killing over 1,000 innocent people. They brought this upon themselves. What do you think is going to happen to all those orphans and parents of dead children in the decades to come? I can tell you exactly what I would do if I was in their shoes, after all… Nothing pretty. But if the Israeli government allows Hamas to kill Israeli civilians with no retaliation whatsoever, then they’re going to do just that, until there are no more Jews left to complain about the genocidal government next door. How many children is Israel morally permitted to kill in their end goal? None directly for the sake of killing children. But if Hamas holds the children in one hand and spraying bullets from a rifle in the other, then it is ultimately Hamas’s fault if the children get hit with return fire.

                    I agree that a leadership change is necessary. But as far as I can tell, you have offered no solutions to the problem of an active war other than “let the Jews die.” If Israel gets rid of its idiotic governors and installs people who will at least listen to their intelligence reports, that’s a good start, but right now they also have to contend with a genocidal government next door. While you’re cleaning up inside the government, what would you do about the soldiers killing your people?

                    “Border security” means nothing against a foe with a tunnel system that’s practically as large and developed as the surface of the country. If you’d like to bury Israeli soldiers underground waiting for Hamas to tunnel to them, I welcome you to relay that to the IDF. Yes, more civilians have died on the Palestinian side, but if Hamas would stop strapping babies to themselves to make it suddenly morally unjustifiable to shoot back, then those deaths wouldn’t have happened.

                    they’ve ignored intelligence We’ve been over this, I agree that was stupid. killed their own hostages who were unarmed and had a white flag That was a bad snap decision made out in the field, not by Bibi. botched a rescue when they could’ve been saved by a permanent ceasefire No ceasefire with Hamas has ever been permanent. and bombed humanitarian aid convoys I agree that was a failure of intelligence.

                    Now, since I’ve answered your questions, I’d like to ask you some as well.

                    1. Was October 7th justified?
                    2. Is Hamas responsible in any way for the deaths of their civilians when they use civilian buildings as military installations and refuse to allow evacuations? Why or why not?
                    3. How many civilian deaths per verifiable Hamas fighter KIA are acceptable to you?
                    4. How many Palestinian civilian deaths per Israeli civilian death are acceptable to you?
                    5. When a neighboring nation is run by a government that has dedicated nearly every resource possible to waging a racial/religious war against you, is unwilling to compromise in its position, and is raising its population to believe that you must die, how would you respond when they attack your country?
                    6. When that neighboring nation has been the first to attack your country during every truce period within the last 16 years, how can you expect them to behave peacefully this time?
                    7. Suppose there are a hundred gunmen wandering through a city, each with five babies strapped to him. It is clear that they intend to kill anyone they see. If one of these gunmen is killed, all five of his babies will also die as a result. Is it justified to kill the gunmen before they have a chance to kill any innocent people? If not, how many innocent people do the gunmen have to murder before it becomes justified to kill them?
                    8. If Russia began trucking 10 civilians to the front lines in Ukraine for every soldier they sent and the majority of these civilians were doomed to die as human shields, would the Ukrainian military be justified in fighting against the Russian invaders as long as they took measures to avoid intentionally killing these civilians?