In show they created Mecha before a Plane. Even though they have created plane but still use airship. They have tanks 50 years before any cars. They created a complex drill machine before other thing.
In show they created Mecha before a Plane. Even though they have created plane but still use airship. They have tanks 50 years before any cars. They created a complex drill machine before other thing.
I guess workforces being able to form rocks, metal, fire and lightning bolts before they invent the steam engine will hurl you into a different technological trajectory.
The shows aren’t about technology adding up. It’s about adventure first, character drama second and philosophy third. (Maybe you can switch two and three)
Yea I know. Just saying it feel so wierd. They invent thing in wrong orders.
Or is it us that have invented things in the wrong order?
Good point.
If you’re going to insist that they’re inventing things in the wrong order, then you don’t actually get what the person you’re replying to is saying
I am not insisting you know?
They have Mecha before any other advance thing just make it wierd.
Mechs first is very weird, yeah