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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Yeah, which makes Ruby one of those languages like COBOL, you can make a lot of money if you’re in that world, but I wouldn’t ever recommend that someone should try and join that world, it’s going to be too hard to get in to and it might not stick around for long. I know some people that make a lot of money working in Ruby, but that doesn’t mean that anyone can, unlike javascript which will be valuable anywhere

  • The problem is that most americans don’t use SMS as their main messaging system, they use iMessage, which is an IM app so long as it’s between iPhone’s. So when android users complain about apple not using RCS, what they’re really complaining about is that they can’t use the IM app that everyone else settled on.

    Like, imaging living in the UK, but you have a phone that couldn’t use WhatsApp at all. I’m sure that people would be telling you to download whatsApp instead of messaging them on SMS, but you literally couldn’t without buying a new phone

  • Picture quality is a constant arms race and both sides have been better than the other at some point. It also varies from phone to phone, my fold3 takes much better pictures than my sisters iPhone SE2, but is comparible with my dad’s 13 max. The main reason that people think iPhones take better pictures though is because when you text a picture from an android to an iPhone it ends up horribly compressed, because apple doesn’t support RCS, but a picture sent from iphone to iphone or android to android will look a lot better

  • I feel like if regulators are going to intervene, we should be expecting something better than RCS though. Most of RCS’s problems have happened because there was nobody with enough pull to get anyone to agree to anything more extensive, so we ended up with a slightly upgraded MMS. iMessage is a lot more than just upgraded MMS, it has payment options, polls, games, interactive applets, and anything else that someone wants to make a plug in to add on to it. And the gap goes beyond messaging, Apple also has proprietary standards for airdrop, video calls, ultrawideband, location tracking (although that’s getting slightly better), and basically any other way that two devices can communicate with each other.

    I don’t want regulators to force apple to adopt RCS, I want a cohesive standard for all of the ways that apple has broken device communications, and RCS doesn’t even start to cover that. The only things that do really cover everything is IM apps like facebook messenger or whatsapp, so what we really need is for phones messaging apps to become IP based IM apps. Maybe even something where each IM app can federate with all of the others

  • I went to my primary care doctor about it, and I matched every attention/stress criteria on their sheet, but I dodn’t have anger issues so they said I didn’t have ADHD. Yet every time I see a post like this it matches exactly. It’s weird to say I think I have ADHD when a doctor has told me I don’t have it… But I still think I have it, it just matches too well.

    So I guess welcome to the undiagnosed gang, good to have you

  • From a design perspective it still has a lot of friction on signups though, we’re asking users to make a server choice before they even remotely understand what that entails. That simple decision made me spend a week understanding the fediverse before settling on Lemm.ee, but the average user won’t do that, they’ll get confused and then leave.

    From a more traditional UX standpoint the general feed is also fairly bad, reddit has built in feeds for the things people care the most about (trending and subscribed) that pop up by default when opening the app or website, and gives the advanced controls off to the side. Lemmy on the other hand defaults to a feed that shows basically nothing, and only gives the advanced controls to fix it. For a new user that isn’t tech savvy, the fact that the feed defaults to local is enough to make Lemmy seem completely dead if they happened to join a small instance.

    These aren’t major issues for us, but they are major issues for widespread adoption. It needs to be so easy that you can use it accidentally, and the UX isn’t there yet. I’m sure we can fix issues with the feed and the app, but I do worry that the server choice problem isn’t going to get a good solution

  • LG had some phones like that in 2016ish, on the G5 the entire bottom of the phone slid out to reveal a big battery slot and on the V20 there was a button that let the metal back of the phone pop off so you could change the battery. I had an external battery charger and a couple of spare batteries for my V20, so I could just pack spare batteries and swap them whenever it got low. I never even bothered to plug my phone in, it was always just faster to pop in a battery that was already fully charged. It didn’t have any water resistance, but it was a pretty small price to pay for endless battery life

    It’s a shame that LG’s whole phone division went under, because they were making some of the coolest phones that came out that whole decade