We have been asked about it for years, and we are pleased to confirm that we have finally setup an official NV Access mailing list. You can subscribe to receive:
- Our fortnightly In-Process blog
- NV Access organisational updates
- NVDA Release announcements (Stable, and / or beta)
- Good news stories
- Job listings
If you just received an email from us, then we’ve had your email address from previously and believed you were interested.
If you didn’t get our “Greetings from NV Access” email today and would LIKE to subscribe to any of the above, please do go to: http://eepurl.com/iuVyjo (We’ll aim to get that form onto nvaccess.org in the new year).
If you did get the Greetings email and wish to change what you receive or unsubscribe, please do use the links in the message.
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