Does the Noble Quran only refer to OpenVPN tunnels or it also covers WireGuard? What if I’m setting my own server on a halal VPS?
🤣 bruv this is a propaganda for the government to crackdown opposition parties. There is no such thing as “Islamic Law against vpn”. They make up things and call it a day
No shit.
So boning 8 year olds is cool, but a VPN is a step too far?
Boning 8 year olds is tradition. Vpn is new scary tech.
Boning 8 year olds is tradition.
For whom? You?
For the entire planet, prior to the last few hundred years. Religion agreed, because pedos are attracted to power and religious leaders were the most powerful.
Suck my dick.
This is plainly insane.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster has decreed to me that VPN use is totally cool and his worshipers should feel ok using them. 🍝