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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • My non-tech literate aunt has been running her Ebay business from a laptop running Fedora with unattended upgrades for 3 years now. She manages her expenses in Libreoffice calc and accesses everything else through Chrome and prints labels on an old USB HP printer. I don’t think she’s even noticed I switched her over from Windows 10 when her machine was getting slow.

    My Dad’s laptop is also on Fedora (though he mainly just uses an Android tablet these days) and I intend to install it on my Grandma’s PC when Windows 10 stops being supported. So for the people who’d be happy with something like a Chromebook, which is a good chunk of older folks, it’s perfect and I can easily provide support.

    That being said if I had to deal with helping kids who wanted to game and use Bluetooth bits and pieces surrounded by RGB crap then yea outside of a few well supported options it could be a nightmare depending on what they’ve got.

  • Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of the Tories.

    But you’re acting as if the BBC is some sort of benevolent public service working in the best interests of the country that the Conservatives are trying to bring down.

    It’s truly a for-profit endeavour which hides horrific practices under the guise of caring about the nation and deludes the real workers in society into supporting it just so those at the very top profit obscenely. Sound familiar?

    The BBC and the Conservative party are both dinosaurs of a bygone era slowly wheezing their last breaths as they become irrelevant in their respective spaces. All I can say is it’s about damn time.

  • Sacred? Ridiculous.

    The BBC, this “institution”, has used legal threats to screw the British public out of money to pay for the inane whims of Oxbridge alumni, stirred up hatred and support for the blood sucking elites of this country and shielded sex offenders for the better part of a century.

    Then they turn around and sell the fruits of license fee payer funds to other channels internationally, via VHS, DVD and Blu-ray sales then finally to the premium streaming services. You have to pay to see the shows you paid to make!

    That’s not to mention the amount of money they get in merchandise sales. Remember the Cyberman Voice Changer Helmet? That was the top toy one Christmas.

    Times have changed, the BBC needs to die.