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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023


  • It’s true. It’s why I feel that Mastodon will never replace Twitter. It’s too much of a left wing circlejerk / bubble, and they’re actively hostile to even moderate viewpoints. much less actually conservative ones.

    I’m probably in the minority in this, but I believe that even people I don’t agree with should have a platform and be tolerated as long as they’re reasonable and willing to compromise and show respect, as long as they’re not racist nazi nutjobs.

    The world isn’t exclusively made up of one set of ideas, and you shouldn’t shut out 75% of all viewpoints just because they don’t agree with yours, imo.

  • Given how much of a douche he’s being (and only because he has organizational power, and not because he has people skills) in the event of a disaster, he’d probably be one of the ones to bite it first, or to be sent on an mission for expendables, to be honest.

    When you can’t just wave around money or org chart power to solve your problems, then people will start showing how they really feel about you. The way he’s running Reddit into the ground shows that he’s not a good leader, and the way he’s pissing everyone off right now by following in the footsteps of a huge failure (Musk) who’s also a jerk is just proving that he’s an idiot AND a douche that wouldn’t do well if society went awry.

  • I used to think this was true too, but then I realized that the fundamental problem with capitalism is that it’s incompatible with democracy and regulation. That’s why literally every capitalist country on earth (including the wealthy ones) has a problem with regulatory capture, corruption, and buyout and supplanting of the actual government.

    Capitalism encourages the greediest, trickiest, and most selfish people to rise to the top and stay there through a mixture of brute force and media manipulation. In essence, it’s not much different than totalitarian authoritarian governments, it’s just more subtle.

    Look at Fox news and right wing media bubbles for instance, or the Democratic party which opposes ranked choice voting whenever it can and constantly says one thing and does another. Humans are too greedy, selfish, and short-sighted to live and exist for long under a system like capitalism. How do we know this? Look around, climate change and pollution’s already serious and it’s not changing anytime soon.

    We’re probably already fucked, and we just don’t know how much we are just yet.

  • I upvoted you, but I think some people just downvote and move on not because they 100% disagree with you, but because they don’t quite have the time to post a detailed reply, and they’re probably hoping someone else does on their behalf, which they will upvote if it’s close to what they’re trying to say.

    Not enough hours in a day to type out a detailed response to a downvote (or even upvotes) when you have so many other things on your plate. I’m guessing they were trying to say something like, “I didn’t choose to leave decentrazlied platforms, I’m still on them. Everyone else did, I had to follow them if I wanted to keep in touch with my family and friends.”

    But that’s just a stab in the dark, honestly.

  • Equal distribution of wealth and power, along with trying to create universal standards of communication (I.E. speaking reading and writing) would help probably.

    Plus universal access to education and birth control. And ENFORCING equality by making sure there is no such thing as inherited wealth. Each new generation would have to start form the same point. I know it might seem a little extreme, but I think it’s the only way to prevent oligarchies, monarchies, and huge concentrations of power that distort society from forming.

    Plus, guaranteed clean food, water, housing, and basic healthcare for all. Get rid of the reasons for conflict, and make sure those who want to start conflicts can’t ever mass enough power to start wars and we won’t have them. A lot harder to justify fighting when you personally have to do it all yourself because you can’t order others to just do it for you.

  • Underrated reply. Twitter is definitely a place where a bunch of people follow a small group of famous people and content creators almost like lemmings. (The irony that lemmy isn’t like despite users being called lemmings isn’t lost on me)

    Mastodon is a bit better, but also strangely seems to be focused on big names and groups as well, just different ones and to a lesser extent. It’s one of the reasons I spend less time on there and more on Kbin / Lemmy.

    On the positive side, it’s from Mastodon that I learned about Kbin and Lemmy to begin with.

  • Depending on which version of Superman the answer could be all over the place, but generally Superman wins unless there’s kryptonite or red sun radiation involved.

    Recent versions of Superman are basically overpowered twinks. So much so that the comics have to really grasp to make him vulnerable and are really inconsistent with his power levels (which to be fair, have always been wildly inconsistent) to get him to lose or even draw a fight.

    Nothing outside of reality warping godlike beings or top tier magicians have a chance of facing him, as he can just destroy most purely physical threats with a combination of strength, speed, senses, durability, and regeneration. Plus psychic resistance on top of that.

    The only reason he loses as much as he does is because bad writing / “so the plot can happen”.