create 2 proton mail account und use each other as a backup e-mail
create 2 proton mail account und use each other as a backup e-mail
If only he and his party was in power for some years and could have done something about it…
note that reddit didn’t have a problem with “orks must die jokes” or people celebrating war fotage as long as they celebrate the right peoples deaths
no it’s not
you 'muricans are wierd
tl;dr the USA is not really a democracy, just as the founding fathers intended.
Higurashi no naku koro ni
Moe-Psycho galore only drip feeding you the real story.
The afd is curently the 2nd strongest in the polls but the strongest ist also the very right leaning cdu/csu, together they have the potential of 50% for the next election and there are forces in the cdu/csu that are not strictly opposed to that idea (like the current head of the party: Merz). Some other parts are but the cdu/csu is also very keen on not looking like they have internal struggles, so it’s anyone bet if they will actually keep the tadition of being the self proclaimed right most acceptible party and therefore only forming coalition with parties left of them (or arguably on the same level in the case of fdp), or if they give into their own extremist wing.
i hope that afd and cdu/csu just don’t get 50% so they have to do cdu/csu + spd + greens or cdu/csu + spd + fdp (sadly the only realistic option atm)
nope, you can skip for the first account and then validate after the fact