In all honesty i can only hope that this forces some people to increase their tech-savviness.
In all honesty i can only hope that this forces some people to increase their tech-savviness.
It is akin to relgion in the sense that it is a moral question for the person and not a health concern.
Not sure why people get so touchy when religion is brought up.
You are so on point. I come here mainly for chuckles, some light hearted discussion and memes but what do is see most? Rage, rage and more rage.
I mean with nuclear power there are atleast some things objectively problematic like the high costs of the energy produced and the garbage that is left off. I would not have a beef with thrm protesting GMO’s either, where they are used to essentially make the farmers dependent on the seller of the crops. It is this black and white aproach thats really got me grinding my gears because at this point its more of a well known cult than a group for the environment.
Way to go greenpiss. Anti-scietific fear mongering that will only hurt.
It is sooo Reddit to ban without any explanation. Not like i care about any community over there. Reddit can fuck itself.
Can’t generate Abuse Material without Abuse. Generative AI does not need any indecent training to be able to produce indecent merial.
But it is a nice story to shock and scare many people so i guess the goal is reached.
13.000 images are generated relatively fast. My PC needs like 5 seconds for a picture with SD(depending on settings of course). So not even a day.
Also, if pedos would only create their own shit to fap to i would consider this a win.
If the fact bothers you, maybe you should refrain from discussions on this topic. Or tell me why it is not a “better choice”.
No. It is one better choice. Does not say shit about the millions of other choices we do.
Sad truth is, the government does not care about the wellbeing of goblins. Shameful.
That said, i do not see a mention of age.
You americans and your god damn guns. Maybe fix your social inequalities and health care.
Then again, giving guns or taking guns away, both are really more easy than real solutions.
Ohh yeah those good old days. Damn man i wish they would bring them back with all the raping, murderibg and thieving that was way worse. /s
You can stick you anecdotal evidence where the light light never shines grandpa.
It is fun how you just know that every downvote or negative comment just bolsters op’s ego because to them it shows how the masses are stupid and they are one of the few who know how things should be. Replacing “democracy” with “science” makes no god damn sense because science is not a form o government. How hard would it have been to elaborate how you imagine your “scientific” goverment to work? I guess you would atleast have basic knowledge about politics. So what we got was the question of a 6 year old. How do you expect insightful comments?
But that is the mistake. Having a “normal” diet you should also “worry” about your nutrition because malnutrition is more common that people think. Getting your blood checked once in a while is important. Making sure you get enough fruits and vegetables is important. Sure you might not worry about those things, just like a vegan might not worry and simply take a b12 pill every once in a while. It is simply a lazy ass and potentially dangerous move to not care at all about your nutrition.
That said, nobody can or will force you to do any changes to your diet and going vegan for health is the last thing i would recommend. It is an ethical stance, not a diet. Also, eat more veggies, it is good for you.
Amen. Bet my ass that most people dying of heart attack are in fact not vegan. On the other hand i would like to know how many vegans are suffering from malnutrition. Some morons will.
Pretending that it is some kind of hard thing to get your friggin b12 has to be a joke. The “hardest” part ist getting your blood checked (every year), which should be a no brainer for every one. But i bet my ass in america this is some kind of super expensive service.
Wortneuschöpfung would be closest (but it does not necessarily imply the use of old words). It means newly-created-word.
Thats my beef too. Shisha bars try to be some sort of club while i just want to chill and talk while smoking. Thats why shisha at home is blessed.
Tabloid News. Who gives a damn about this guys family?