I feel like I’m missing the context… Where did this meme starALL HAIL THE HYPNOTOAD.
Privacy is not profitable
Have you ever tried sugar, or…
One could only hope
We would have the science and technology and time to do so IF WE SLOWED THE FUCK DOWN W/ THE CO2.
And a machine to minify the short socks - we can even call them short squeezers
Wait, this isn’t c/shitposting , why the jeans? Did we shitpost Dall-E into making jeans everything?
This shtick will stop when the legislator would draft a bill singling Christianity™ as the only legal religion.
Don’t get me wrong - I’m as atheist as a hitchens fan, but the “loophole” that the satanic temple is exploiting will be eventually plugged by right wing nutjobs.
Oh man the amount of shock you’ll experience when the Houthis continue their attack regardless of any ceasefire…
Hell of a bird.
Now lets take over galifrey.
The app “Youtube” and the app “Youtube Music” are 2 different apps, with 2 different recommendation algorithms.
Suing beverage companies for having severed toes inside
On the same vein, do wo know if Intel Management Engine is a NSA backdoor?
I keep hearing about the potential of it beeing a back door, but haven’t heard an exploit using it roaming about the interwebs
It seems like over engineering when stuff like this are common knowledge.
Never hated women, but I allways sympathised with the incel community about feeling life as a burden.
I still feel that way, but I made a decision to still be kicking as long as my parents are too.
But cracking ed25519, or RSA , is something that state actors can’t do without massive resources… What am I missing here?
Even if I reverse engineer Linux, I can’t know the decryption keys for my encrypted data… Are you saying that HDCP is not “Secured” but “Jumbled up”? If tomorrow the source code for it get released - then “The jig is up”?