Meep :3
She/They, also transer than a box of transistors! wiggles transly
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Ooo, send them to me. I’ll fix 'em. I’ll tell them every detail of what’s got me fucked up latelish, every day, until they learn to stop asking.

    If you don’t want the most accurate answer I can come up with on a scale from “Kinda meh I guess” to detailed description of the last several things to really screw up my mood then do not ask me how I am 😅 No one’s ever going to do anything with this information, but I almost can’t help but answer basically whatever I’m asked. Maybe it’s a deep-seated drive to yap about myself at every opportunity.

    doesn’t look up at that paragraph Nah, I wouldn’t do that…

  • Puzzle books? I like to play with variety puzzle books, commonly sold near magazines :3 Crosswords (and varieties thereof), word searches (+varieties), crypto puzzles of various sorts, number puzzles of various sorts, the funky neat ones where some of the words share some letters (like, a letter fills a vertical region to be shared by one or more words), uhhh… oh also I like to write the solutions in Thorass :D Though the numerals are garbage. D’ni numerals are far, far better 👍

    Also, I daydream for hours at a time. … But probably you don’t or else you wouldn’t be asking for ideas I guess 😅

  • still fundamentally need to sell

    [Sarcasm] Unlike companies, which are apparently altruistic organizations that exist for the betterment of humanity! It’s all those fools who keep yelling “companies exist to make money” who are wrong. Yeah, that must be it. Tech companies charge because they’re good, whilst various writers give away some, much, most, or all of their work because they’re evil! Sharing is DEATH, kids!

    Sorry, I went off a bit there because I’m frustrated at how committed you are to your bad ideas. Also textbooks also have to be sold, at least here in the US where many are (were?) tailored to the anti-education pro-horsecrap preferences of Texas.

    Side thing: I’m becoming increasingly convinced that FaceDeer as an account/persona/whatever exists specifically to be mildly irritating. Is that true? Would you admit it if it were?

  • Anything of value that she mentioned is already covered by other sources

    Sorry, did you say “their pace is too fast” or “their pace is too grab ass?” I’m having a bit of a hard time coping with excessive amounts of “chill” around this situation so maybe I misread.

    I get that abuse of employees and sexism and sexual harassment and assault toward women in particular are normal but can we not accept this shit as normal? … I write, slowly coming to the realization that clearly most people don’t want to care, don’t see a difference between something that’s dramatic and something that’s “just drama,” can’t bear to let some poor rich boy take any kind of heat, he’s such a nice guy, c’mon bro, just chill, he said he’ll do better, look, he does charity don’t you like charity and 🤮Fuck it, I’m out of here.

  • What a bunch of pricks.

    I hesitate to blame them all. In GN’s video, some of the clips show LMG people seeming (to me? Somehow I don’t see anyone else pointing this out???) anxious to terrified of Linus. In one of the WAN Show clips there’s this meek, near-mumbled kind of “Uhm… Linus sir maybe if you’d, um… just tested it properly that could’ve been maybe better I guess? <.< v.v;” sort of thing, and the person who grabbed the wrong card barely squeaked out a response at all, but Linus just never seems to give a damn about anything except making the quickest possible bucks.

    I don’t know what’s keeping everyone else there but I think at least some of those people are just trying to get by without incurring some kind of wrath as Linus himself repeatedly makes (or causes) a mess then arrogantly doubles, triples, quadruples down on it (or has someone else do so, or maybe other arrogant pricks are involved?) up to a point of “Okay, I messed up and I’ll own that now everyone forget about it” after which business-as-usual resumes until the next mess. It seems like no one else has time to learn from any mistakes (or “mistakes”) and those who do (presumably a hierarchy-related privilege) are unwilling or incapable.

    Now, they may in fact be a bunch of pricks. I just feel like some of those people (such as the one suggesting that testing the water block correctly might made sense (before potentially killing a startup unfairly)) try to help but have no power to inhibit Linus’s pompous profit-driven pissheadery.

  • (Referring to other replies, sarcastically) I friggin’ love having people explain how it’s totally cool to do to people all’ the things they (or people like them, in relevant contexts) say not to! Like when five freaking people people show up, none citing so much as a blog post or having met a trans person once, explaining that it’s totally cool to deadname someone as long as it doesn’t bother the person doing the deadnaming.

    I’m just a little tired of this “it’s fine and you’re the real problem for whining about it” (not quoting anyone currently present… I think) kind of attitude. Maybe I’d be singing a different tune if my convenience got to override everyone else’s comfort and even wellbeing.

    Edit: At least I don’t feel so compelled to join Beehaw any more. Certainly not the uniformly careful bunch I’d, unreasonably I suppose, imagined. Silver linings!

  • I generally agree but struggle to see where there’s any proper “general-purpose AI” involved. The current “AI” seems to be a crop of, simply put, overgrown chat bots. They make things that kinda-sorta look like other things that humans have already made and are getting a lot of attention for getting things very wrong. Hands, mouths, maths, laws, wrong wrong wrong.

    From my perspective (as someone who loves novel tech, was thrilled to take a uni course on evolutionary computation, had PopSci, SciAm, Discover (tech magazines), etc.) people are blowing the hell up praising glorified chat bots as our lord and saviour and it baffles me endlessly. Like… I was evolving solutions to notoriously hard problems as an undergrad roughly a decade ago. The power of evolution itself! Wow, right? No, no one cares any more. Interesting is interesting but the hype train’s decided these I’m not going to stop calling them chat bots because that’s what they are represent a miracle of advanced, movie-style AGI. Unless my understanding of how it works is way off, it’s not really even a good starting point for AGI. I’d even go so far as to say it’s less technically interesting to me than Sierra’s AGI, but then I do have a deep, burning hatred of memes and excessive, blind popularity/hype and a bit of a taste for old tech so part of that’s just me. As for “utopia vs. Skynet” stuff… sigh. No technology is gonna do more to heal or harm humanity than this batch of buttholes is already doing to itself and ELIZA here isn’t going to change that.

    tl;dr: The current cultural idea of “AI” is (as always) a damn meme based on chat bots and exploitation, and not a miracle. Wake me when AI is capable of some interesting new kind of NLP or can create something entirely new or something beyond impressing fools (because I actually do like neat tech). Also yes, any big, moneyful/profitable tech-thing is 100% gonna serve money over all else because everything in this capitalist hell-world does. rant rant rant! … dozes off

  • Interesting that the “AI” posts alternate between “Oh, AI will lead us into the shining, glorious future!” and “Wow, the new thing that people call ‘AI’ can’t reliably add 2+2, makes up lies that even supposed professionals fall for when asked for real info, and just generally mimics only the form of human communication with no idea whatsoever about the content, often resulting in hilarious claims, images, et cetera that a dog could recognize as wrong!”

    With bosses in charge… ugh. I assume soon if not already someone will be scheduled for heart surgery because WebMDGPT decided their cough was due to irritable bowel syndrome, which it will claim is a form of cancer because that’s the sort of crap these things do.

    “The ability to speak does not make you intelligent” somehow applies to Jar-Jar but everybody’s impressed with the chatbot that knows literally nothing.

  • Yep. Nothing’s ever worked out, I’ve never had the opportunity, ability, and inspiration to get anything done. Some inspiration but I just can’t. Mental problems, financial problems, social problems, always something in the way and I just kinda give up and play video games for a few months because that’s all I can do. All’ the cheap philosophy around here is like, “Oh, but you have a warm bed and a safe home and Internet access” but the bed’s too warm to sleep some nights, the “home” is really not safe or healthy for me, and the Internet is a pile of memes and memers and several kinds of news that make me glad humanity’s driving itself extinct and ready to jump ahead on that. I’m just not compatible with this hell-world.

    It’s a journey, they say. Yeah, the kind of journey where some of us get tied to a truck and dragged around town. “Enjoy the ride!” they say. Yeah, sure.

    Anyway, what the bollocks am I even doing here? Idunno. Answer is yes, you’re not the only one who feels like it’s all been a waste but I think it’s not just a “you’re some kinda loser” sort of thing. While it’s true that not everyone can or should do “incredible things” it’s also the case that this world’s pretty aggressively built to prevent much of anything from happening :-\ Go to work, rest for work tomorrow, repeat, repeat, repeat. Consume some memes. No thoughts, no room to breathe. It’s amazing that anyone does accomplish anything. And then it gets taken and sold. still rantyrambling for some reason. Better just post and hope no one notices, I guess