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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • Doesn’t matter if US has any keen interests or not.

    This Russian Invasion of Ukraine is no different than Iraq’s Invasion of Kuwait.

    The only difference is the attacker is a permanent member on the UN Security Council.

    Otherwise something similar to Resolution 678 would have already been underway.

    But then the US went and really FUCKED UP, when they Bush Jr invaded Iraq in 2003 and ignored the UN Security Council


    Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the war was unjustified.[4] In a televised conference before a meeting with the US envoy to Iraq, Putin said that “The use of force abroad, according to existing international laws, can only be sanctioned by the United Nations. This is the international law. Everything that is done without the UN Security Council’s sanction cannot be recognized as fair or justified.”

    And showed Putin that the US/UK won’t play by the rules, so now he has also ignored those rules ever since.

  • Nah,

    I grew up in the world of BBS’s and IRC. First foray into a chat channel started with someone renaming themselves “34yrDude changes name to 15yrChick”

    …and that set the tone for me what the internet is.

    It’s a entire world where you make absolutely zero assumptions. The ‘things’ responding in text could be anything. And I say thing instead of people because these days it may not even a person.

    There’s an entity that responds to my comments, and perhaps seemingly hurtful,

    it could be some 10yr old kid who doesn’t fully understand, it could be could be some mentally challenged person, it could be someone’s crazy grandma,

    and now it could be some bot that while not purposefully built to be malicious, through emergent behavior is trolling and insulting people because it gets a rise out of people that results in more and longer comments, which tickles its feedback loop to do more of the same.

    So nah, there’s nothing anyone in the vast internet could type out that I would personally hurt my feelings, because I make no assumptions as to where the comment is coming from, and those comments don’t have a lot of weight to me.

  • Realistic Batteries. It’s holding back a LOT of things. A lot of technologies are solved, but just require power.

    Semi-Realistic Room Temperature Super-Conductor.

    If that can be solved, the power density and efficiencies would just be astronomical… It would absolutely destroy multi-billion industries overnight.

    Way-Out-There-Stuff If they ever prove out an actual functional EmDrive-like thruster, that would absolutely open up space travel to our species.