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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • If you talk to people about homelessness, they will readily admit they just don’t want to see it. If go to any cheaper grocery store you definitely are rubbing shoulders with people who use foodbanks. Food insecurity doesn’t go away just because you have a roof over your head.

    The rub is a foodbank in a grocery store will attract the more visible “unreliable access to showers” type of user, which would be unacceptable.

  • Buddy if you are waiting for a Sign, this is it. It’ll never get more concrete than this message I’m typing for you right now. Having a lot of doubts is common. It wasn’t truly real for me until I started medication.

    My broad advice is to find a good psychiatrist (and don’t be afraid to switch if you aren’t happy) and dig as deep as possible for evidence both for and against. Go in with confidence that you have ADHD symptoms, but keep an open mind since there are alternative explanations. A diagnosis of “no you don’t have ADHD it’s actually ____” is also important information to know, and you will regret letting it drag out if you do have ADHD.

  • I’m curious what you would change about (Western?) society to make ADHD manageable like it apparently already is in “many countries,” in concrete well defined terms. Not sure how society could negate the emotional regulation issues that frequently come with ADHD. I would also emphasize there’s a distinction between “a society where people with ADHD can function” and “a society perfectly suited for people with ADHD.”

    I’m sensing that ADHD is a label thrust upon you, and if you feel you function fine without any sort of treatment it’s probably not accurate. It’s also now occurring to me how hilariously easy it would be to troll any sort of mental health issue. Depression isn’t a disorder it’s just SADNESS coming from MODERN SOCIETY and we just need to uncheck the CAUSE DEPRESSION box in society’s configuration.

  • “Healthier” is a fuzzy, difficult to define concept in food, but there’s minimal nutritional differences between canned, frozen, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid cans with BPA lining and anything with lots of added salt or sugar, but otherwise don’t worry about it.

    The practical answer is whatever helps you not eat takeout all the time is what you should stick with. If you are worried, prewashed salad lettuce packs are pretty cheap and are a manageable two meals. I really hate juggling the shelf life of produce as well.

  • You are voluntarily here and finding common ground with an ADHD meme. If you’ve felt like there’s something different about you and have been waiting for a Sign, this is it.

    Just keep an open mind, since a lot of different things can cause ADHD like symptoms. “I actually don’t have ADHD” is also important information, and a good psychiatrist or therapist can help guide you to wherever the truth lies.

  • I agree with your point. Metaface is the most hilariously transparently bad actor on the internet. That well is so poisoned there’s no olive branches that will save their reputation. The incentives for these companies are clear and produce a consistent pattern: build something useful and start building walls around it so you can exploit whatever you’ve built to produce the most shareholder returns. Any instance that cooperates with a Bookmeta instance is willfully ignorant how it will end, even if MaceTook truly does not have malicious plans at the start.

    But beyond the other responses, I think it’s worth thinking deeper on this. It’s easy to reduce it to “It’s simple. We kill the Zuckerberg.”

    There have always been bad actors, and will always be bad actors. There are probably bad actors in the room with us right now. If this whole threadiverse experiment is going to survive, it needs to be able robustly handle them even when the bad actors can bring a lot of resources to bear.

    Also the real fun happens when TheMeta.Com starts proposing changes to ActivityPub. Even if the changes are purely technical and make perfect sense there’s going to be slapfights.

  • I doubt this is really from spez. It’s the investors who’ve poured money into Reddit as they’ve dicked around for 15 years. But now money is expensive. Personally I think they are looking to tap into the sweet, sweet VC money being pumped into LLMs (for which Reddit’s API is prime training material), which might go down worse than “hey we’re going to not so discretely kill the apps you all have built and love!”

    So spez is an idiot, but replacing him wouldn’t change things.

    On a side note, my god was Digg’s Kevin Rose also an idiot back in the day, but he was such a far better class of idiot. He did care about the site, even if he was hilariously incapable of running it. You just don’t appreciate these things until they’re over.

  • I think this is an important consideration. What should be done different to mitigate toxicity?

    Honestly it’s exciting to be able to ask these sorts of questions and potentially be able to act on it. I’m inclined to say:

    1. There’s an optimal size to subreddits. Small subreddits can be toxic, large ones are unless they have ultra strict moderation (so basically askhistorians).
    2. Massed users from other subreddits can easily overwhelm and torpedo communities, even ones larger than themselves if coordinated enough.
    3. There aren’t any sort of feedback mechanisms or checks on moderators.