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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I think there was a Renault that worked like this. I think the main issue is that you need a decently sized battery that can supply enough power or else the ICE needs to start every time you hit the gas pedal like was the case with the older Prius models and then you might as well connect it to the wheels and you can have a smaller electric motor.

    But batteries keep improving and you can pull more power per kWh now. Maybe with solid state batteries this power train could become the more affordable option.

  • Yes it will probably also mean buying less, smaller housing and less private cars. But it would also make alternatives viable that just can’t exist right now and make less polluting solutions cheaper cause of scale (like what now happens with solar panels) and they wouldn’t even need much subsidies to get them off the ground.

    That it will hurt is also why I think it will never happen cause any government that takes big steps will not be in office for 4 years. It can also only happen with:

    • Higher minimum wage
    • Adorable and risk free loans for energy reduction
    • Social adjustments as the lowest wages are the most impacted (can be paid for with the taxes)