smol, femme, nerd

libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

  • 26 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • nifty@lemmy.worldOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldImaaagination
    17 days ago

    I can visualize vividly and can create intricate details in imagined spaces, but my recall is average of real spaces. Like, I can walk myself in my head down to the street from where I am in my office, but I won’t be able to tell you how many steps are in the three flight of stairs. It’s not really a skill, tbh, and pretty useless. I think there are advantages to both types of neurotypes though. Sometimes I can’t picture my face well, but that’s more trauma related I think 😅

  • All these moderate dipshits hemming and hawing and second-guessing the intentionality of everything the fascist traitors do in some misguided compulsion to “decorum” or “norms” or “fair play,”

    They’re using a decades old playbook where you could say things like “that politician is tough on crime” but actually just meant he was a racist pos. This “benefit of the doubt” scheme from the playbook is part of manufacturing consent and used as a ruse to cause confusion and divide people from uniting against a common target. Wealth and money is buying power again, it’s the same in EU election results