I’m a robotics researcher. My interests include cybersecurity, repeatable & reproducible research, as well as open source robotics and rust programing.

  • 50 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Ah man, I’m with a project that already uses a poly repo setup and am starting an integration repo using submodules to coordinate the Dev environment and unify with CI/CD. Sub modules have been great for introspection and and versioning, rather than relying on some opaque configuration file to check out all the different poly repos at build time. I can click the the sub module links on GitHub and redirect right to the reference commit, while many IDEs can also already associate the respective git tag for each sub module when opening from the super project.

    I was kind of bummed to hear that working trees didn’t have full support with some modules. I haven’t used working trees with this super project yet, but what did you find about its incompatibility with some modules? Are there certain porcelain commands just not supported, or certain behaviors don’t work as expected? Have you tried the global git config to enable recursive over sub modules by default?

  • I had not seen a news video report on audio games before. I’m a big fan of audio books, as I have a tough time reading at length, so I’m thinking of getting into audio games as well. Perhaps my ancient laptop will finally be able to play a modern title, as I’d assume the load on the GPU should be minimal 😆. That is, until realtime dialogue and synthesized speech becomes the norm in video games, and I’d yet again need a hefty GPU for running large language models and deep neural networks on my gaming rig 🫠.

  • For transcriptions, do you think it would be a best practice for users to add them to the alt text, the post body, or post comments? I’m guessing alt text would be most salient for screen reader ergonomics, but not as widely noticeable for errors, bias, or omissions, like with titles. Body text would be more commonly viewed, and thus held to more scrutiny and correction. Comment text would be easiest to track corrections or revisions on transcriptions, but not as discoverable if buried in the comments.

  • Image Transcription: Meme

    A photo of an opened semi-trailer unloading a cargo van, with the cargo van rear door open revealing an even smaller blue smart car inside, with each vehicle captioned as “macOS”, “Linux VM” and “Docker” respectively in decreasing font size. Onlookers in the foreground of the photo gawk as a worker opens each vehicle door, revealing a scene like that of russian dolls.

    *I’m a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! *