Betty Sue makes $286,000 per month on Etsy. She started with nothing, and now she’s filthy rich.
Come on, man. The chances of that happening to the average person are close to zero. Stories like this give people unrealistic expectations.
Betty Sue makes $286,000 per month on Etsy. She started with nothing, and now she’s filthy rich.
Come on, man. The chances of that happening to the average person are close to zero. Stories like this give people unrealistic expectations.
The irony is that far right IS actually people revolting
It isn’t ironic that they are revolting people, though…
They’re doing it wrong I think
The guys who they need to be revoting against are the ones telling them who to hate…
Left has similar falacies.
Not sure. I mean, yeah, the racist fascist narcissistic dementic monster doesn’t looks like the ideal candidate in a democracy, but if your intention is to fuck the system that fucked you, while giving you a feeling of superiority, it looks like a perfect match. For too long, the difference between the Democrats and Republicans was cosmetic at best, some are pragmatic but some just want to fuck the system.
It’s pretty common that angry revolutionaries are used by another rich bastard to get into power by usurping the movement. The classic “meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”
Rules for Rulers
The rulers change, but the rules do not.
They rage in favor of the machine Rage Against the Machine rages against
Yo dawg…
They are in favor of printers?
The peasants are revolting… They certainly are!
-Monty Python
More that they are generally revolting people.
Well, they certainly are revolting, I’ll give you that.