You don’t need to censor “dumb”. It’s okay.
Checks out. I don’t know a ton of furries but all of the ones I do know are armedqueers types
Wherever furries show up, they always seem to represent the most capable subsection of whatever it is they’re about - shooting, SysAdmining, fucking, etc. Some of this may be confirmation bias as I also don’t know many furries, but…
At this point you should just include a headshot of a fursuit with your resume to bag a job.
An event I went to recently had an issue with an unknown number of “orphaned radioactive sources” being left on the trade tables. Luckily, one of the furries in attendance has a gigercounter with them. They confirmed that the sources were radioactive, and did a sweep of the camp to make sure no one had taken any away. They also had the contacts to properly dispose of them.
You can therefore add nuclear energy to your list of areas with competent furries.
All the ones I’ve met have always been super nice and all work in some form of IT.
I’ve heard the IT thing so many times that, in my mind, it’s moving from stereotype to reasonable probability
That tracks because “half of the range” is inept Meal Team Six material?
lol I’ve heard of Gravy Seal, but Meal Team Six is new to me. Nice.
Semper Fry!
He said I should make my motto Sember Pie, then told me to ‘relax’.
Stop this horseshit. You only see the fatasses because that’s what the internet thinks is funny. You don’t see what I see IRL.
But hey, if you want to continue seeing them as no threat, you do you. I’m armed and train every week, at the least, but there’s only so much I can do against the inevitable Red Shirts.
Fursuits are so expensive because of all the Ironman-like tech that goes into them. Of course they outshoot everyone when they have HUDs with targeting servos to control their arm movement. I thought everyone knew this.
suiters: i need a handler because my field of vision is 20° 🥺
also suiters:
Are we censoring “dumb” but not “damn” now?
Hey, fuck y*u!
fu*ck you t**!
No, fuck *** ***** ** *** cunt!
To be fair damn is not offensive where as dumb was used to label disabled people and then used as a generally derogatory term. I’d rather censor dumb than damn.
Overall, we use Mute not Dumb for quite a while now, and so those saying dumb to mean stupid generally are not conflating mute with stupid, so I don’t think it’s worth fighting people over. Just vocab that shifted, even if it had a derogatory connotation at the start, being this far removed from it it’s just too late to bother.
But does censoring a letter change anything? Does reading f*ck read any different to fuck? Does the reader get more or less offense from it?
Censorship doesn’t really seem to accomplish much and if anything draws extra attention to the censored word. I wouldn’t have given it a second thought without it.
Who’s benefiting?
Frankly, I think single-letter censoring like that is silly. It really doesn’t achieve anything and nobody benefits from it