A woman in Colorado has been arrested after police caught her with expIosives at a TesIa dealership, police said.
The 40-year-old suspect, Lucy Grace Nelson, was arrested on Monday after the Loveland Police Department launched an “extensive investigation” following a series of vandaIizations at the dealership in Loveland, Colorado.
So she was returning her cybertruck
Heyyyy ohhh!
Oh my god! That’s horrible!
That she got caught.
They’ve got the wrong person, this woman was with me at the time in question
that can’t be right, I swear I saw this exact person at the grocery near me, thousands of miles away from Loveland
No I saw her here in Australia, no way she’s from america
she was in New zealand in the capital city.
I am also Spartacus. We are all Spartacus. It couldn’t have been her, I saw her somewhere else. I think with you.
To all the pearl clutchers, it was Molotov cocktails and graffiti, not IEDs. She was vandalizing the dealership.
And upgraded to federal charges. Kash Patel is spending government resources on this for his partisan buddy instead of rightwing extremists and insurrectionists.
A potential 20 year sentence! For $5,000 in damages to luxury vehicles.
Meanwhile, the J6 terrorists are pardoned.
And the child-trafficking Tate brothers are rescued and brought back.
Turns out that the far right wingnuts never ever gave a fuck about children when they started up with the Pizzagate/Qanon/“Save the Children” horseshit.
They just thought it would be a battering ram to be used to round up all the Democrats and Hollywood celebrities they love to hate. I bet many of these dickheads are still dreaming of “The Storm”, and now that Bronzo 2.0 is here, they just might get it, sadly.
Meanwhile, ACTUAL child trafficking they clearly don’t give a flying fuck about, when it comes to how they treat Gaetz, Tate, and Bronzo himself.
She used molotov cocktails and only did $5,000 in damage? I was really expecting to hear a few hundred Gs based on tesla’s prices and the cars I’ve seen go up in flames in the past.
Yeah, $5,000…
She must have totally destroyed tens of cybertrucks
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“Instead of”
Implies Patel would ever prosecute right wing criminals.
He won’t, unless they piss off trump.
In the eyes of the law a Molotov cocktail carries the same penalties as a pipe bomb, both “unregistered Destructive Devices”. It’s the ATF’s bailiwick so it’s not unusual that the feds are involved, strictly speaking.
Oh those mischievous 40 year old kids. I say let her go with a warning.
Gals will be gals
Wow - great way to help our cause!
All that’s going to do is make some insurance companies more money. If she’s gonna throw her life away she should’ve just gone after Elon lmao
I only agree with the last 7 words, hard disagree with everything before that tho.
Blowing up Teslas at a dealership gives both the dealership and Tesla more money, as well as makes them have to build another one.
That’s a W for the wrong side, unless you just like seeing aimless destruction
Edit: like if you really wanna blow shit up, go after Teslas that have already been bought. Make people hate owning them, insurance rates for them go up, etc. Much more effective
This is silly. There’s no sustainable way to profit from insurance claims. Whatever short term “profit” Tesla may get from a claim will be wiped out when the insurance companies raise prices to cover it. Insurance companies don’t have unlimited money.
Especially if investors are getting wind. Stock holders won’t hold if they think public sentiment is that bad.
Elon is an arm of the executive branch, he’ll get what he wants right now. Look at the Cybertruck deal they’re doing. Faux news will spin this as terrorism or some shit and there will be no help done to the cause.
Best thing is to get consumers to not want to touch them in the first place. Then we can wait for the govt issued ones to explode
Blowing up Teslas at a dealership gives both the dealership and Tesla more money,
It actually doesn’t give them more money, and it’s actually pretty costly if you look at at the situation past a very basic/immediate view of the situation.
How does Tesla/dealership get money? From insurance claims. Do you think the insurance claim is going to cover 100% of the money the sale would have made, or just inventory value and maybe a bit more for lost revenue? Do you think the insurance company is going to cover list revenue while the inventory is being repurchased and shipped, and any repairs are being made? And if you think they get all of the above, do you really think they’re not going to be paying higher liability premiums?
as well as makes them have to build another one.
Which costs them money and time. Both things that can’t be recouped 100%.
The best way to hurt a company is to fuck with their insurance. Inventory comes and goes, but insurance companies can sink a business by refusing to underwrite. Melon may be able to float without for a while, but the investors will have a conniption of that goes on for very long.
I’d totally agree with that if the dude wasn’t an arm of the executive branch. They’ll get what they want as this point. Look at that deal they’re pushing with the Cyber Trucks.
Just make it inconvenient to own them. Vandalize the already bought cars. Far easier to get people to stay away if they know they’re going to get their tires slashed or risk driving around all day with “Nazi” spray-painted all over it
Along with that, insurance carriers are far more likely to start denying personal insurance claims vs. ones for businesses. Just the way the world works
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Regarding Nazi property: if it can be turned against them, better; but if not, destruction is second-best.
The loss of productivity and environmental damage of letting Nazis persist in any fashion far outweigh any value the objects hold on their own.
The most value we can extract from that trash is the message it sends as it’s burning to the ground.
Outside of one-in-a-billion shots like Mangione, we’re still at the discomfort level of unreliable whackadoos being the only ones to try violent direct action. Which means that instead of picking targets that would actually make an impact, they’re picking personally symbolic targets that they have easy, ready access to. And they’re not even hitting those targets with real success / possibly creating innocent collateral in the process.
We aren’t there yet.
There’s also the simple reality that the vast majority of people cannot dedicate the time and resources it takes to plan and execute the assassination of a CEO or national politician. When you’re working 60 hours a week to keep food on the table for your family you don’t really have a ton a of free time for relentlessly tracking and stalking your target.
I’m more worried about right wimg extremists knowing they will be pardoned. They can go after soft targets. Want to bet the supreme court will say that states can no longer file charges if the feds do? Then the feds can file charges, thepetson can admit guolt and be out the next day. Local and state politicians and activista are in the most danger.
That would most certainly up the ante for the regular folks
Watch out for Kyle Rittenhouse
What would be better(in Minecraft)?
Although it appeared first glance to be an explosive device in an awkward moment of enthusiasm, it’s actually just a Roman Celebratory Sparklemaker.
Ok, I need to explain this to people, but don’t blow up or damage Tesla’s at dealerships. Aside from the usual about being socially responsible, the dealers and Tesla loses money when cars can’t sell and are stuck on lots. Tesla can’t sell a dealership a new car if the dealership can’t sell a car and make space for a new one on their lot. But if you blow up or damage the cars, the dealership just claims from their insurance, they get the money as though they just sold a car, and they have lot vacancies, so Tesla can sell the dealership more stock.
Let the swasticars just sit there and depreciate on the dealership floor. That’s the real way to fuck em.
Tesla only does direct sales, no dealerships. Otherwise, point taken. Carry on.
Tesla gets around the whole “dealership” thing by calling them “Tesla Stores”. You can go there and buy a car, so essentially it’s a dealership. Difference being they don’t have 100 cars on the lot of different trim levels to pick from.
Here’s one I picked at random:
The main difference is Tesla owns the showrooms not a 3rd party.
It’s explicitly not a dealership.
This article explains what a dealership is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_dealership?wprov=sfla1
Today, direct sales by an automaker to consumers are limited by most states in the U.S. through franchise laws that require new cars to be sold only by licensed and bonded, independently owned dealerships.
Tesla does direct sales and does not use the dealership model.
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Why does the title literally say “Tesla dealership”?
Because that’s what the author is used to calling a place that sells cars.
TBF insurers could start denying coverage if it becomes an obvious concern: and it very clearly is.
Owning a tesla is a pre-existing condition.
I’ve heard the best thing people can do against Musk is to vandalise privately purchased Teslas. I’ve heard that will put mass fear in the market not to buy them.
I’ve heard that vandalising commercially owned Teslas will only result in insurance payouts and more Teslas being made.
I’ve heard that the best way to vandalise privately owned Teslas is to use spray paint, which is relatively easy to clean off (not hurting the owner too much) while being very media-affective.
That’s what I’ve heard.
Cybertrucks have a one of a kind windshield wiper that isn’t in stock at Tesla, the only place you can get it.
My dad used to prank people in the neighborhood by writing on their windows with soap. When they clean it off they have clean windows. If you don’t want to spray paint a car use brightly colored soap, possibly with glitter if you really want to be a bitch.
I find graffiti via chisel is also particularly effective.
Insurance isn’t a magic money machine that erases costs; insurance isn’t free money. This is the logic that results in thieves driving small mom and pop shops out of business. Someone will hold up a gas station thinking, “well, insurance will pay for it.” But every time a business makes a claim, their insurance premiums go up. And just like car insurance, if you make too many claims, eventually you’ll be dropped from coverage, or your premiums will become completely unaffordable. You simply become too great a risk for insurance to cover.
Honestly, torching a Tesla dealership is likely the quickest way to get it shut down. If you just let the cars sit there, they’ll keep cutting the asking price until they sell. Teslas might be unfashionable, but plenty of people living paycheck-to-paycheck will ignore the bad optics if it means they get a hell of a deal on a new car.
But if a dealership is burned to the ground? The dealer was probably already resenting being in the business before the arson attack. Most of these guys became Tesla dealers back when Elon had a very different reputation. But now they can’t just walk away; they have contracts, leases to pay, a franchise agreement, and a pile of inventory that won’t sell. Hell, they probably have once or twice contemplated burning the whole place down themselves just to get the insurance money. And now they have the perfect opportunity to walk away, without having to commit felony insurance fraud. Some random do-gooder just came by and did the criming for them. Sure, they could rebuild, but why? They have an insurance check for millions of dollars. They could spend that rebuilding, getting new inventory etc. But why? Why go to all that trouble, just to end up back selling cars people revile?
I think most people in that situation, unless they were already die-hard MAGA types, would simply chose to take the win and walk away. Maybe they stay in the car business and open up a franchise with some other automaker. Maybe they get out of car sales all together. But there’s little reason to stick with Tesla.
That’s the real value of arson right now. There are tons of Tesla dealers who would honestly probably welcome an arson attack against their dealership, as long as no one was in the building at the time. They could never say so publicly, but honestly, an arson against a Tesla dealership might be the best thing that ever happened to many of the dealership owners.
No, you’re wrong here. Tldr, its way more expensive to have an unsold vehicle on the lot floor.
So, I understand it’s not an independent dealership, but it’s a dealership. So, let’s assume there is a $50k Tesla on the floor of the dealership, given Tesla’s slim margins, it probably cost Tesla somewhere around $45k to manufacture. As with most businesses like this, a significant portion of the vehicle manufacturing costs is done using credit, and settled once the vehicle is sold. So let’s assume it’s 50% and $22k is from a loan (it’s higher, but I don’t know what that number is). They pay interest on that loan until they have made enough money from the sale of the vehicle. They pay insurance every month on the vehicle, while it stands there gathering dust. They pay staff, to operate the dealership, with no sales. It’s a crisis!
Now, assume someone burns the car. Your insurance pays out for the car, the building repairs, and any (made up) operating losses from not being able to trade. Tesla makes money back, settles the loan, no more interest. Cash liquidity looks better and you can pay staff and operating costs at the dealership. Tesla also gets to tell investors that they “shipped” another Tesla.
Now, you may be thinking, but what about the insurance premiums. Yes, you burned a few cars. Of the thousands that are insured by Tesla. Insurance premiums may go up a dollar or so per car, but this is the power of underwriting risk, is that any single incident which may leave you shit out of luck, actually becomes really manageable by comparison.
Unless the cars aren’t insured, in which case it’s a crisis.
Also, if the vehicle is discounted to significantly below cost and sold, they stop the cash bleed, but there is a loss, and we can call it community service for being Nazis.
Don’t burn dealership (or sales outlets or whatever the fuck they call themselves), don’t burn their cars!
Tesla doesn’t have dealerships. All show rooms are owned by Tesla.
Correct. Dealerships reselling would benefit from insurance, and insurance of lots with Tesla’s would go up for everyone.
People don’t want to fly planes because they’re falling out of the sky. A Tesla dealership explosion would’ve done some significant PR damage, and may keep people from visiting them.
But, you’re right, it seems like Tesla is collapsing on its own without the need of terrorist attacks. But, the nonviolent Tesla graffiti is funny though.
it seems like Tesla is collapsing on its own
Don’t worry, shareholders! Trump’s upcoming executive order will mandate all federal government vehicle fleets be replaced with Teslas.
Well, some dealerships should be blown up to ensure that all of them have insurance and that insurance is expensive.
And if Tesla dealerships are significantly higher risk their insurance will go through the roof.
But if you blow up or damage the cars, the dealership just claims from their insurance, they get the money as though they just sold a car, and they have lot vacancies, so Tesla can sell the dealership more stock.
This is only true if you look at events in a vacuum.
Dealer makes insurance claim, gets money
Not inaccurate, but the dealership also has to rebuild/shit down for a time after the event for safety reasons. And they’ll be paying more for their liability coverage, especially if they continue to sell cars that are targets for unhappy citizens.
gets money back as if they sold it
They may get the sticker/wholesale price for it, but they lose out on various incentives, manufacturer kickbacks, and any interest/financing fees as well.
Have lot vacancies
And a fucked up lot, requiring construction crews (which impede business) and probably extra insurance
Tesla can sell more stock
Eventually, but the loss in lot space and the delay in getting it back is going to hurt a lot more.
Not to mention that it will be increasingly difficult to retain employees if their workplace is a target. If McDonald’s started getting shot up/destroyed because Ronald was a mask-off nazi, I would be into another job ASAP.
If you get rid of the building only though and not the cars, that’s double damage.
Tesla cannot make money, or sell cars, when dealerships are being blown up.
I don’t think these “dealerships” are independent. Pretty sure they are directly owned by Tesla.
Tesla does not have dealerships. That is why they can’t sell cars in some states.
Not sure about the insurance thing. Dunno if they had insurance to cover that. I know home insurance doesn’t cover arson. I know of a factory owner that burned down his factory and tried to make it look like an electrical failure because his insurance apparently didn’t cover arson. I remember a dealership and all its cars burned up during the BLM protests, and the owner claimed he didn’t have insurance.
Isn’t this exactly what negotiating with labor unions so workers have good quality of life was made to prevent?
More Americans will become terrorists, and it’s no surprise. They have nothing to loose.
More Americans will become
terroristsfreedom fightersNothing to lose but your chains, you say 🤔
Are you saying that she is/was a Tesla employee?
Then how would unions have helped here?
America makes the terrorist, and then asks why me!?
Yup. We’re about to see a whole lot more desperate people in this country.
Things are about to get wild over the next few years.
And it all could have been prevented by not voting for a traitorous felon rapist.
Good try babe
Beats the hell out of whining that you didn’t vote for him.
Instead of teslas, why not evil billionaires?
Not guilty.
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Funny how quoting our President violates the rules against advocating violence. 🤔
I mean, on Jan 6th, he quite literally said “We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country any more.”
I got in trouble on Facebook for quoting something Trump said about crime on 5th Avenue. If it isn’t appropriate to say on Facebook, it isn’t appropriate to say on a campaign trail
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I agree that’s a better way to say it, but I wanted it to mirror Trump’s own words and use them against him
Funny that by quoting our current president, you got your post deleted as offensive.
I should run for office. Apparently I have what it takes.
Do it, but you’ll need to stay in character 24/7.
Just wait til someone invents the first practical incendiary drone that can be easily made on a consumer 3D printer.
In principle, it’s quite simple. All a drone has to do is take off, travel to a fixed set of GPS coordinates, land, and then activate an incendiary of some kind. Maybe a thermite charge, maybe something simpler to set off.
This tech already exists due to the Ukraine conflict. But to my knowledge, it’s never been packaged in a form that’s easily replicable by an average random person in their home. But I see no reason why it couldn’t be. And when it does, all Hell’s going to break loose.
On the more class liberation side, it will make burning down the assets of the rich much, much easier and harder to stop. On the other hand, it will also make it easier for fascists to target those resisting fascism. You’re an activist of some sort. One night, a drone lands on your roof at 2 AM and sets fire to your house. Who did it? Who knows. Good luck finding out.
Hell, on a large scale, this will make it possible for a single individual to cause a disaster on the scale of the firebombing of Dresden. Consider the extremely dry weather and accompanying fires in Los Angeles. That moment, when the city was dry as tinder and the winds were blowing strong. Imagine if at that moment, someone had decided to release a few thousand incendiary drones on the city. Maybe they saved them up, just for this purpose. Consider how valiantly the fire fighters there worked to protect Los Angeles. And now imagine an alternate history where at that moment 5,000 structure fires erupted simultaneously across the city, including multiples started on the roof of every fire station.
The technology already exists. It’s just a matter of someone figuring out how to package it in an accessible form. When that happens, God help us all.
Cheap gps enabled drones are very plentiful on the internet. You don’t need to 3d print anything except maybe the parts to hold the bomb. Just need to reprogram them to have them go to a fixed point and trigger a relay with an explosive. It’s trivial, and the fact that it is not common for most people with the skills to do it is because they have a lot to lose if they are caught. Once you take away enough rights and liberties that smart techy people have nothing left to lose then you will see more remote drone attacks.
This is the reason the federal government has been trying to ban drone companies like DJI, they are afraid of the cheap throw away bomb delivery vehicles.
Buying the Drone leads to easier tracing. They can investigate anyone who bought any Drone for a certain amount of time. But printing one of your own and having far less traceable electronic components makes that job much harder.
Given the safety record, you could probably drive by and throw a ballpeen hammer at them
2 am high-speed Molotov cocktail?
There are plenty of low tech solutions to some problems.
Those are pretty damn traceable. There are cameras everywhere. Even if you manage to burn a building down, the buildings next door and every building for blocks around have cameras. Plate reader cameras are everywhere. Etc. It is almost impossible to move through a city in a vehicle in a way that cannot be traced. If you cover your license plate, then you have to worry about being pulled over just for that. And even if you making your plate invisible, you still have to worry about your face being visible through the windscreen. Hell, they might be able to just track your vehicle, one camera to the next, all the way back to your front door. You could try doing this on foot or bicycle, but look at how well that worked for Luigi.
Compare that to a drone. You go for a hike into the woods in a city park or reserve, in a city hours from where you live. In your backpack, you have the drone. You carry the drone to a remote clearing in the woods that is rarely if ever visited. You leave the drone in the clearing. Three days later at 2 in the morning, at a time you conveniently have an air-tight alibi, the drone’s timer activates, it flies upward, and goes on its mission. In the unlikely event that the drone is discovered before it launches, have a self-destruct mechanism built it. Once placed, have it enter an “armed” state. If the drone is moved or picked up by someone, have it audibly broadcast a warning. Literally “this drone will self destruct in 20 seconds.” Then it counts down and sets off the incendiary, immolating itself.
Hell, if you were clever enough, you might even manage to launch such a drone from hundreds of miles away. Have it travel from one remote rooftop to another. Launch it from a different state. Have it fly to different remote locations or rooftops, flying as far as it can on each hop. Then land and charge its batteries for the next leg.
These things will make very terrifying weapons. They allow someone to commit an act of destruction with far far less traceability than any other method.
Three days
There’s a lot of parts in there that may be traceable
Only to a certain extent. What’s key is that those parts have applications far outside drones. You might even be able to scavenge the non-printable components from old electronics bought for cash at thrift stores, craigslist, Facebook marketplace, etc. There’s a big difference in the traceability of a generic motor that can be used for thousands of applications vs. a fully assembled drone. Hell, if you want to go full unabomber, you could draw your own wires, wind your own motors, and use chips salvaged from old GPS navigation devices and cell phones, everything bought in cash.
The other big issue with traceability is that these devices would be deliberately intended to cause a large fire. They would be far less traceable than a bomb. A bomb blows itself to pieces, but it still leaves many fragments. An incendiary? If it works, the entire building it lands on will be reduced to ashes. There will be precious little of that drone remaining, especially considering that it will be at the very center of the fire.
Like I said, “nothing to lose” sure they may be able to trace it but by then they are fighting for their life against all odds. Also they could have a “freedom fighter team” where they buy the drones 2nd hand, in bulk, illegally, or just steal them. This would not be a covert operation, it would be a rebel force.
Something like that would be damn near untraceable. As long as you are far away enough and are long gone before anyone notices… and maybe even have a timer to start to give you even more time to disappear they would never be able to find you.
This goes double if you are in an area without a lot of cameras and thus video surveillance canvassing won’t be of much else.
You could even launch it from an extreme distance away. Launch it from the middle of a state forest, in a different state from the target. Have it programmed to fly to a remote location at the limit of its range, then land in a discreet location. Charge its batteries via solar power, then go again. A drone could hopscotch its way to target hundreds of miles away with this method. If you’re worried about a drone successfully making it, then launch a dozen of them. You could even build in a self-destruct mechanism. If the drone ever becomes stuck, or if someone tries to pick it up or move it, have it literally announce “this drone will self-destruct in 20 seconds.” As soon as anyone picks it up, this sequence activates. it gives a warning and then sets off the incendiary. Every incendiary drone has a built-in self-destruct.
It’s easy now to imagine an ancient advanced civilization that destroyed itself.
Also reminds me of a comic I read called print crime.
The hero we deserve!
“…caught trying to plant additional explosive devices”
heh, I immediately thought: “what, was she putting keys in the ignitions?”