Jimmy Carter celebrates his 100th birthday on Tuesday, making him the first US president to reach the milestone.
Carter, a Democrat who served in the White House from 1977 to 1981, has spent the past 19 months in hospice care in his home state of Georgia.
But the former peanut farmer, who first entered politics in the 1960s as a state senator, is “emotionally engaged and still having experiences and laughing, loving,” his grandson, Jason, said in September.
And the centenarian still has political ambitions: “I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris” in November’s election, the humanitarian and Nobel Prize recipient said, according to his grandson.
I gasped before reading the title till the end
A rollercoaster of emotions within the span of a sentence.
You had me in the first half dot jpg
Any and every headline that begins with “Jimmy Carter, former US President” makes my stomach drop a bit. For like a decade now.
Seriously, with all the other bad celebrity news lately, I expected the worst.
Yup, my heart skipped a little beat before I got to the end.
I had read the headline before this post and still gasped.
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he made it!!
Hopefully he makes it a couple more months! so he can vote for Kamala! (maybe even attend her inauguration? Maybe Bernie can get the school teacher lady to make him a pair of those cozy mittens…)
Early voting in Georgia is October 15. I assume he is going to vote as early as he can.
does it count if you die before the actual election?
In any case, I got my ballot last Saturday here. (in MN. I’m signed up for it to be automatic… which is super easy to do. Just go through the online registration at the MN secretary of state page, and make sure to tick the box for ‘automatically send ballots for mail in voting’ or whatever.)
Everyone- Check your voting status here,. remember, Trump loses if we vote. Maybe we can convince Kamal to paint the White house Tiedye or something.
does it count if you die before the actual election?
I believe it does, yes. Once the ballot is cast, it’s counted.
You could potentially die in a car crash after leaving the polling place on election day.
well, still don’t want him to die… but…uh… up to him, I suppose. After the fifteenth…
You never know. He could vote again in four years.
Two more weeks, buddy. You can do it!
Don’t you put that bad juju on Jimmy Carter
No juju. I don’t think Jimmy is going to be voting at the polling place. Especially when he doesn’t have to.
Varies by state. Georgia is one of several states without a clear rule. At any rate, it seems to be constrained by practicality. If they already opened the envelope to count it, it’s hard to undo it.
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No no no no noooo noooo no oh ohh ohh ohhhh YES!
They knew they were fucking with us with that title and they did it anyway
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Carter 2032!
Now you’re thinking like a red blooded American!
Yes give the man his second term, can’t wait for Carter to tell that young whippersnapper trump “be silent and mind your manners!”
Iirc he said the last thing he wants to do is vote for Kamala
What did she do to the poor man?
Phrasing. He means, he wants to live long enough to be able to vote for Kamala and then he can die. Yes, he really did say that.
Idk but I’d like her to do it to me 🥴
I was sure he would go soon after his wife, as is the case with couples married that long. But he just won’t quit
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Eyyyy lets go Jimmy!!
I was about to be real sad seeing his picture and reading the first 5 words of the headline, but the last two really made my day. I feel like no one makes it past like 3 weeks in hospice care, but he’s still going
Actually there’s a recent John Oliver about hospice where they reveal that it’s often a very scummy business that sometimes “cares” for people for years who didn’t even need it at all. Tangentially related, but you made me think of it :)
I work in healthcare, you’d be surprised how many people start to drastically improve with good hospice care. It’s more common than you’d expect
oh really? I didn’t know that
Especially if said hospice care is fraudulent!
(Not the majority of hospice, but it happens. Last Week Tonight did a piece on it.)
You heard it here first, folks! The secret to longevity is: peanuts.
(Happy birthday, Mr. Carter!)
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Maybe it’s no peanuts? He sold the farm, after all…
Could be. Maybe he said he never wanted to see another peanut as long as he lived and an old witch lady granted him that wish… but peanuts are all around him as memorabilia!
I said yes quite vocally when I read this. I’m not even American, but that’s how desperate I am for some good news.
Fuck’s sake, country and world; get your shit together.
We’re trying…
Speak for yourself!
I really fucking wish that news articles would stop wording shit like this. Reading the title I initially thought he died.
it makes me wish i instead spoke one of those pama-nyungan languages where dead people have different grammar rules
So he is technically elligible for a second term…
He was the best president we have had since I was alive. He has integrity. He sold his family farm to avoid conflict of interest when running for office. He built houses for decades after leaving office for the needy.
I didn’t know he quit politics for the needy.
That was just a bad ordering of words in that sentence. He failed to get re-elected and then a few years later he and his wife started building houses for the needy.
I did mangle that bit. Its how it was ordered in my head and well english has no real reliable structure anyway.
“After leaving office he spent decades building houses for the needy.”
Totally reliable. You didn’t have to make an excuse for a poorly executed rush job after admitting the mangle.
Fucking hell i thougjt this was different news
Whoever wrote that headline knew precisely what they were doing and went ahead with it anyway because they are an asshole.
100 year old president: Jimmy Carter
There I fixed it, exact same news, no fuck yous.
I really wish they would stop dressing him up and dragging him out to events. Let the man rest.
That’s an old pic. He’s been in hospice for the past 19 months & is just watching a broadcast of the celebrations. But yeah, he deserves the peace
I hope he gets the opportunity to stand at trump’s grave.
He should get to be first in line to piss on it
But he wouldn’t because he has class, honor, integrity, and a sense of decorum. All things of which Trump is devoid.
That’s exactly why it would be great for him to do. Just a family friendly activity that everybody can get behind.